At True Communication we offer speech, language and literacy services to children aged 18 months to 18 years. In addition we also offer voice and accent reduction services to adults.
Speech & Language Therapy covers many areas and within Nic’s practice includes:
- Articulation; how we say sounds
- Social skills; how we interact with others
- Receptive language; the words we understand and how that helps us follow instructions & understand stories
- Expressive language; how we use words to communicate, explain our ideas and tell stories
- High-level language; how we solve problems, infer, reason and predict
- Fluency; how fluent we are when we express ourselves
- Voice; how our voice sounds
- Reading & Spelling
- Written Language
- Accent reduction
Early identification and appropriate intervention has many benefits including:
- Improved skills in areas targeted within therapy
- Improved interactions
- Strengthened learning ability
- Better access to home and classroom/workplace environments
For assessment and service recommendations please contact Nic.